The “G” in BRIDGES stands for GENEROSITY. Today I am going to say it stands for GRATITUDE.
Actually, I believe that Generosity and Gratitude are very closely linked because Gratitude often requires us to be Generous with our time, our humility, and our energy. As with anything in which we engage the generous part of our spirit, rewards await us.
I am extremely grateful for the rewards I have already received in just one week of posting these videos and letting you peek inside my heart and head. It’s uncomfortable at times, and very raw, but I have no doubt that the breakthroughs I have already witnessed in just 7 short days have come because I have moved. Because I have shared. Because I have been real.
I am extremely grateful for the tremendous love, support, and encouragement I have received from people who love me and the journey I am on. Some old friends, and some new ones. You know who you are and I look forward to hearing from even more of you.
And I can’t help but think that some of this support is coming because you can relate to my journey. Am I right? It feels good when we see that we aren’t alone, doesn’t it?! It does to me, and I am grateful that you’ve joined me on this journey. Hopefully it will help you on yours. THANK YOU!
Here’s today’s video of gratitude for you.
Watch the videos. Share them. Comment on them. Give me something. Tell me you hate them. Tell me you love them. What I want is feedback that will help me increase the impact I am making. And if you get inspired along the way then great. They say money talks so if you want to provide feedback financially then go here to make a donation and “talk” to me. “Talk” to the thousands of youth I am trying to reach and help.
Let’s go!